Community Grief and Song Ritual with Chaya Leia Aronson and Charlotte Althaea Collins

We offer an invitation to come together in community to grieve, assisted by music and song. As we put this offering out there to the world, we hold tender awareness of its’ time proximity to this upcoming US Presidential Election. 

What is the medicine of grieving in ritual containers? Unprocessed grief compounds and becomes a toxic emotional energy, which can create violence and perpetuate intergenerational trauma and violence.

Singing and sounding together helps vibrate our grief loose from these stuck places in our individual and collective bodies and make more space within us. This gives us a sacred opportunity to choose aligned action and to show up in the ways we truly want to show up in the world.   

Many cultures have shared traditions around grieving, which could sometimes last for days at a time.  We as Western ritualists aim to co-create spaces that honor the wisdom of our lineages as well as the many generous teachers who have brought their practices to the West.   

For this ritual our intention is to invite gentle movement of our bodies and the emotions held there. We will utilize the medicine of communal song and live music to call forward what is ready to be released at this time. We recognize that forgiveness and compassion are essential ingredients of our grieving process.  We are holding these as the foundation for this ritual. 

Following our ritual, we will share a potluck meal together at Earthdance.


Event Details:

Time: 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm 

Potluck Dinner: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm 

This ritual is for you if:

  • You are human and wish to grieve in a held container in community.
  • You understand that grief is both a personal and collective experience and you’re willing to hold your grief as a way to heal both self and community.  
  • You understand that this space will be one piece of healing and are willing to seek ongoing support such as co-counseling, bodywork, nature connection, medicine ceremony, therapy, dance jams, etc.
  • You are willing to be with your pain or discomfort and be witness to others’ without needing to fix it.

Please Bring: 

  • Journal
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks  
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Potluck dinner item to share

Share our Facebook Event!


Ritual : $45 – $150 sliding scale

Sauna and 2 towels: $10

Potluck Dinner: Please bring your favorite dish or donation of $10-15

Overnight stay: If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight: A dorm bed in our Gratitude Lodge is $40, camping is $35. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15)

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID.

Health Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Chaya Leia Aronson

Chaya Leia Aronson, RN BSN is a mother, partner, lover and ecosensensual earth worshipping clown goddess. Chaya maintains a private practice offering Maya Abdominal Massage, Holistic Pelvic Care and Health, Movement and Sexuality coaching for over a decade. Chaya has also facilitated a number of transformational and alchemical rituals related to grief, wombs and eros. She has great passion and skill in supporting people and relationships to have clear conversations about desires and boundaries and to unpack our wounds and traumas gently to find more capacity for love and pleasure. She has a private practice, Your Sacred Pelvis, where she sees clients in person and virtually based in the Northampton, MA area.

Charlotte Althaea Collins

Charlotte Althaea Collins is a violinist, violist, singer/songwriter, teacher, and healer guiding people into direct, communal, and transformational encounters with music. She is passionate about bringing audiences, clients, and students into aliveness and authenticity through music. Her offerings and projects include holistic classical concerts, sound healing journeys, vocal improvisation workshops & song circles, and compositional sound projects for dance, film, and podcasts. She is currently working on her first full album of original music, titled Welcome Home. Malin currently serves as the Viola Instructor at Amherst College and lives in Northampton, MA. 

Biodanza Workshop with Caroline Churba

Life is revealed thru movement to music.

Biodanza was “discovered” by Rolando Toro Araneda, a Chilean Medical Anthropologist , Psychologist, artist. It was a slow , maturing, discovery from the mid ’50s till 2010 and continues evolving. Rolando was always interested in connecting with the “humanity” of each and every person. He started in life as a teacher and created Art Exhibitions with the children’s work in the late ’50s. He created music bands with the youth and led them into nature to learn about the ocean and forests.

In the ’60s he recorded in his notes of  many “trips” of  Art students with LSD and realized that these wonderful visions had to be integrated within a reality; instead of “finding paradise ” in a fantasy world rather access this wonderful state in daily life in connection with our close loved ones. After continuous research, he created the Biodanza Theoretical Model which we still today follow in each class of Biodanza.

Biodanza is a form of community dance in the sense that “dance” represents movement as an expression of emotions. The difference with other forms is that the Biodanza Facilitator invites the class to simple, everyday movements such as walking, breathing , resting as a group activity. Everyone is “INVITED ” to participate in their own way, in feedback with others. You are free to accept or not. You may dance with others or alone but there is always a real happy disposition to share.

Of course there is NO CONSUMPTION of ANY substances in Biodanza. Most of the dances respect the natural organic state of the body, for every euphoric , expressive dance there is time to rest and integrate. Biodanza is a beautiful invitation to move to music that speaks beyond words, its effects are immediate, it aims to integrate and promote health and well being within togetherness.


Event Details

Workshop: 6 – 8pm

Potluck: 8pm


Workshop: $40 – $160 sliding scale

Potluck: Bring a dish to share!!!

Sauna and towel rental: $10

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight: A dorm bed in our Gratitude Lodge is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food. 

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors.

Health Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Summer Jam participants.

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


I have been in Biodanza since my teens and have facilitated Biodanza in South America, where I lived , then I moved to United Kingdom where I took Biodanza and from there spread to Europe, France, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden, then the big jump to Southern Africa, where I lived for 23 years, working with Biodanza beyond language and culture.

I am now passing on all my legacy of Biodanza to talented social professionals in Rhode Island. A total honour for me.

An Introduction to Authentic Movement with Carolyn Shakti Sadeh

Authentic Movement, is a practice grounded in the relationship between a mover and a witness, was developed by Adler in the early 1980s, evolving from her studies with Mary Whitehouse and John Weir, as well as her early work with children diagnosed with severe autism. Different teachers of this early form of Authentic Movement offer their evolving perspectives in unique and diverse ways.

Being seen, seeing oneself, seeing another, movers and witnesses grow toward a vital experience of wholeness. – excerpts from “A Brief Description of the Discipline of Authentic Movement” by Janet Adler


A mover and a witness.
The mover closes their eyes and opens to the possibility of learning from the wisdom of the body’s psyche, soul, history, mystery…

The witness, with eyes open, holds the space of consciousness and presence.

The intention for both mover and witness is to be present with what is, without any expectation of what should happen. There is no prescribed way to move, there is no wrong way to move. The invitation is to discover what is available to us when we have no agenda.

Quite simply, it’s about listening to the body. In this short time together, you’ll have an opportunity to experience both roles as mover and witness. One needs to be curious, open, and interested to feel and move with whatever is present in the moment. Included in the process is time to speak, draw, and write from our experiences.
So the magical mystery tour begins…



Workshop: 3 – 6pm

Potluck: 6pm


Workshop: $40 – $160 sliding scale

Potluck : Please bring your favorite dish or donation of $10-15

Sauna and towel rental: $10

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight: A dorm bed in our Gratitude Lodge is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food. 

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors.

Health Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Summer Jam participants.


Carolyn Shakti Sadeh

I began this journey with Janet Adler in 1981. This has been my root practice for over 40 years. For these past years, I have been leading labs, workshops, trainings, and working with students individually. My background also includes teaching yoga and Action Theater. In the past 15 years much of my energy has gone into teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) to adult immigrants and refugees. I began teaching A.M. at Earthdance many years ago, and I am delighted to return after a long hiatus.

Earthdance Summer BBQ Fundraiser

Summer is with us! What better way to celebrate community and the bounty of sun-season than to gather together for BBQ, games, dance and song!

As our mid-year fundraiser, we invite everyone to join us for a play-day and to just revel in the joy of being alive, and being together. Feel free to bring frisbees, balls, games of all kinds — whatever brings out Summer in you.

Humans of all ages welcome, kids under thirteen are free. For everyone else, we ask for a minimum donation of $25 per person, and invite you to give generously towards the future health and viability of our beloved Earthdance.

Children under 13 are free!


Noon Arrival
12:00 – 3:00pm BBQ and Lunch
3:00 – 5:00pm Games!
5:00 – 7:00pm Dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Jam
9:00 – Late Campfire & Songs

Sauna and towel rental: $10

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight: A dorm bed in our Gratitude Lodge is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food. 

Health Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Summer Jam participants.

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy

Earthdance Community Work Day!

Join us to help freshen up and repair Earthdance!

Earthdance needs a fresh coat of paint and we need your help! Bring your painting clothes and we will supply all you need to make your home away from home sparkle again!

If gardening is more your vibe, we will have a few projects for you to get your hands dirty with ED’s gardener, Neal.

We will feed you and we will jam in the evening!!!


Community Collaboration: 9am – 1pm

Lunch: 1-2pm

Community Collaboration: 2pm – 6pm

Dinner: 6-7pm

Jam: 7-10pm

Come for one Community Collaboration or join us ALL day into dancing!


If you need a place to stay overnight, our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $30 per night. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $20. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide breakfast the following day.

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this work day, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Layers of Presence: Skin| Flesh| Bone| Floor – A Contact Improv Basics Workshop with Olive Frank and Tal Shibi

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A Contact Improvisation Workshop

This workshop is designed to introduce participants to some of the basics of this captivating movement art-sport that is Contact Improvisation.

In this workshop we will ask the question “what makes a satisfying dance?”

We will research some of the underlying principles which lead dancers to move with more nuance and listening so they can enhance the possibilities within their dance.

Whether you’re an experienced dancer or new to movement practices, “Layers of Presence” welcomes participants of all backgrounds and skill levels. Come and refresh your dancing with clear practice and insight into what makes CI a unique form. See you there!



3pm – 6pm Workshop

6:30 – 7:30pm Dinner

8 – 10pm Contact Jam


WORKSHOP with Dinner and Jam

Financially Wealthy – $275

Financially Abundant – $200

Financially Stable – $125

Financially Coping – $75

Financially Strained – $50

WORKSHOP ONLY – Does not include Dinner or Jam

Financially Wealthy – $260

Financially Abundant – $185

Financially Stable – $110

Financially Coping – $50

Financially Strained – $35

JAM ONLY – Does not include Dinner

Financially Wealthy – $150

Financially Abundant – $100

Financially Stable – $60

Financially Coping – $30

Financially Strained – $20


$10 with towel rental


If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight in our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $30. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $20 for workshop, $10 for jam processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Olive Frank

Olive Frank loves a good contact improv dance. After 9 years of dancing contact improvisation in various countries and communities, she is still researching what makes a good CI dance so satisfying. And, she is eager to research that with you.

Tal Shibi

Tal Shibi is a native Jerusalem choreographer, improvisor, performer, and teacher of dance, CI, and somatic awareness. He is continuously curious in exploring collaborations between different art forms, and widening the perceptions of performance and dance.

Women’s Jam with Aviva Yarrow and Liana Rosenblum

The Jam

A container for those who identify or have identified with womanhood or being female bodied, regardless of gender expression.

In this focused CI container, we will explore how our commonalities connect us and invite us to show up more in-tune. By creating an intentionally fem space we hope to invite regulation, mutual resourcing, and grounding support. This offer is an opportunity to explore the dance without the presence of the male gaze or the dynamics of gender/sex-based inequality. What can we create? What can we express? How can we hold and empower each other?

We hope this to be a nourishing and liberating experience for those who identify or have identified with womanhood or being female bodied . We welcome and encourage non-binary and gender non-conforming people who feel comfortable in spaces centering fem identity to join us. 

Affinity Space

This jam is an affinity space for those who experience or have experienced gender or sex based marginalization based on their perceived alignment with womanhood/being fem-bodied. We ask that cis-gendered men refrain from joining this jam.



Class: 5-6:30pm

Potluck: 7-8pm

Jam: 8-10pm



Financially Wealthy – $250

Financially Abundant – $130

Financially Stable – $80

Financially Coping – $40

Financially Strained – $25


Financially Wealthy – $240

Financially Abundant – $120

Financially Stable – $60

Financially Coping – $30

Financially Strained – $15


Please bring a dish to share OR $10 to $15 donation.


$10 with towel rental


If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight in our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $30. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Liana Rosenblum

Originally from Chevy Chase, Maryland, Liana has been growing roots in Western MA since moving here for college in 2022. She is pursuing all things community living: how to tend the earth, receive Her gifts, and create a sustainable life of peace and wellbeing. Through Contact Improvisation she has experienced a beautifully rewarding exploration of her Self. She is work-exchanging this winter at Earthdance to continue this journey and practice creative living. 

Liana’s identity as a young woman is present with her in dance spaces, and she is navigating towards increased feelings of safety as well as supporting others to find safety. 

She looks forward to dancing with and learning from you!

Aviva Yarrow

Yarrow grew up down the road from Earthdance, in Dalton, MA, and has spent her life in deep relation to Earthen communities of different kinds. Whether building a fire or faerie house, tending to a garden, a young child, or an elder, deep listening and the honoring of animacy in all is at heart of her work. 

Yarrow draws inspiration from seeing her body reflected in the hills of western mass, her bones in the trees, her tears in the rivers. She is currently excited about exploring the power of proprioception and skeletal alignment through dance, as well as supporting the interruption of apathy and doom through mutual aid and connection recovery practices. 

At Hampshire college, Yarrow studies decolonization and reciprocity, as well as restorative justice, circle keeping, and performance art. 

Yarrow has studied CI with Gabi Revlock and Chris Aiken, as well as many other gracious dance partners and teachers in the last year and a half. 

Community Grief and Song Ritual with Charlotte Malin and Chaya Leia Aronson, Jam + Music by Stephen Katz

We offer an invitation to come together in community to grieve, assisted by music and song. 

What is the medicine of grieving in ritual containers? Unprocessed grief compounds and becomes a toxic emotional energy, which can create violence and perpetuate intergenerational trauma and violence.

Singing and sounding together helps vibrate our grief loose from these stuck places in our individual and collective bodies and make more space within us. This gives us a sacred opportunity to choose aligned action and to show up in the ways we truly want to show up in the world.   

Many cultures have shared traditions around grieving, which could sometimes last for days at a time.  We as Western ritualists aim to co-create spaces that honor the wisdom of our lineages as well as the many generous teachers who have brought their practices to the West.   

For this ritual our intention is to invite gentle movement of our bodies and the emotions held there. We will utilize the medicine of communal song and live music to call forward what is ready to be released at this time. We recognize that forgiveness and compassion are essential ingredients of our grieving process.  We are holding these as the foundation for this ritual. 

Following our ritual, we will share a potluck meal together at Earthdance, and then delight in a Dance Jam together. 

This ritual is for you if:

  • You need support processing grief and would like to do this in a held container with others.
  • You understand that grief is both a personal and collective experience and you’re willing to hold your grief as a way to heal both self and community.  
  • You understand that this space will be one piece of healing and are willing to seek ongoing support such as co-counseling, bodywork, nature connection, medicine ceremony, therapy, dance jams, etc.
  • You are willing to be with your pain or discomfort and be witness to others’ without needing to fix it.

It’s not the right time for you to join this ritual if:

  • You are in an active trauma state on the day of the ritual.
  • You feel unable to moderate your nervous system when activated, for example, by noticing if you are dissociating and grounding, asking for support, or taking a break etc.
  • You are unwilling to be with your own and others’ pain or discomfort without needing to fix it.

Please bring: 

  • Journal
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks  
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Possible change of clothes for dancing
  • Potluck dinner item to share

Share our Facebook Event!

Event Details

Ritual: 3 – 6:30pm

Potluck: 7 – 8pm

Jam + Music: 8 – 10pm


Ritual, Jam + Music: $45 – $150 sliding scale

Ritual Only: $30 – $125 sliding scale

Jam + Music Only: $20 – $105 sliding scale

Sauna and 2 towels: $10

Potluck Dinner: Please bring your favorite dish or donation of $10-15

Overnight stay: If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight: A dorm bed in our Gratitude Lodge is $40, camping is $35. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15)

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Chaya Leia Aronson

Chaya Leia Aronson, RN BSN is a mother, partner, lover and eco-sensensual earth worshipping clown goddess. Chaya maintains a private practice offering Maya Abdominal Massage, Holistic Pelvic Care and Health, Movement and Sexuality coaching for over a decade. Chaya has also facilitated a number of transformational and alchemical rituals related to grief, wombs and eros. She has great passion and skill in supporting people and relationships to have clear conversations about desires and boundaries and to unpack our wounds and traumas gently to find more capacity for love and pleasure. She has a private practice, Your Sacred Pelvis, where she sees clients in person and virtually based in the Northampton, MA area.

Charlotte Malin

Charlotte Malin is a violinist, violist, singer/songwriter, teacher, and healer guiding people into direct, communal, and transformational encounters with music. She is passionate about bringing audiences, clients, and students into aliveness and authenticity through music. Her offerings and projects include holistic classical concerts, sound healing journeys, vocal improvisation workshops & song circles, and compositional sound projects for dance, film, and podcasts. She is currently working on her first full album of original music, titled Welcome Home. Malin currently serves as the Viola Instructor at Amherst College and lives in Northampton, MA.

Stephen Katz

Stephen has performed his compositions at Carnegie (Weill) Recital Hall and toured internationally as a soloist and chamber player. He has been featured on American Public Media national broadcasts of Performance Today and is a National Endowment for the Arts grant recipient. He has held residences at Yale, Meadowmount, and UMASS Amherst. A Western Mass resident, Stephen is also an award-winning film composer and an improviser and composer in the dance world. 

A Warm Winter Serenade with Faith Rathbun, Mindy Grossbard, & James Bird


Heed the call of the winter as it beckons us to gather.

Come rejoice in a delightful evening and be swaddled in song by Faith Rathbun, Mindy Grossbard, and James Bird.

As we journey through this evening we invite you and your be-loving ones to get cosy in an Earthdance studio and be steeped in musical musings. Gentle movement is welcome in the space while attuning to the performers and the container. Listening room vibes, yanno?

A musical debut for two young songstresses and a deepening of relationship with Earthdance for one blessed bard, the intent of this evening is to be with the wolf pack and cultivate warmth and connection while soaking in the stylings of a few humble song carriers who aim to bless.


Arrive at 5:30 pm

Show starts at 6 pm


Financially Wealthy – $150

Financially Abundant – $100

Financially Stable – $50

Financially Coping – $25

Financially Strained – $15

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before as we do not offer refunds if you catch COVID. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.


Faith Rathbun

Faith has lived in rural Massachusetts her whole life, fostering the feral and aiming to humbly be a good vessel for it’s song. For as long as she can remember she has been walking the earth, singing, often under her breath and occasionally,  by the grace of the diving her beloved community, in full expression. Her prayer is to call gently upon truth while ebbing in the mystery and returning to love and gratitude for the whole holy thing.

Mindy Grossbard

Mindy is a musician and singer bridging worlds. She sings of the soul spirit. Originally hailing from a traditional Jewish shtetl, she carries ancient chassidic melodies, vocal improvisation, and Yiddish folk sprinkled in the mix. She is a unique voice in contemporary society, transporting listeners and herself to wandering souls of centuries past.

James Bird

James Bird is a facilitator, poet and multi-instrumentalist musician hailing from Shelburne Falls, MA. James aims to invite the magic out of seemingly ordinary moments, using improvisation or one of his many mythic songs, weaving atmospheres that invite us to feel and to remember. Bird is a threshold bard, playing for those journeying through life’s many thresholds, including marriage, birth and death. He also teaches “Bardic Embodiment”, for those wishing to expand their experience as songwriters and song carriers from the vantage point of the old bards.

Tango Fusion for Improvisational Dancers with Daniel Trenner and Erica Roper


Argentine Tango and Contact Improv are two emerging dance vocabularies gaining worldwide popularity. They have vastly different roots, yet both are based in improvisation, and have many interesting intersections which offer and provide opportunities for dancers to expand our social consciousness and movement skill sets. Both dances have performing arts and social trajectories, each offering dancers a wide range of explorations which will inform our dances as both art form and social container. 

In this class Erica and Daniel will share elements from the language of Tango tailored for expanding the improvisational vocabularies of the dancers, strengthen attunement skills & develop conversational skills to engage with dancers who have a different improvisational vocabulary. The material will explore overlapping commonalities and distinctive differences of the two forms. We hope to encourage dancers to widen their improvisational vocabularies and explore and overcome any confusions about how these two divergent forms of improvisational dances can inform each other.

We invite you to join us, both new and experienced dancers from either form, in a structure that honors all and different abilities. If you are worried about steps – our approach to teaching this material is focused on improvisation. We specialize in dancers with two left feet. We will have fun doing it!

Fusion & Improvisation October Costume Dance Party

We want to dress up and dance and play together! We hope that the themes of listening and tuning into our partners, conversation, and fusion will filter into a dance party, with music, costumes, improvisation, and fun! 

Wear fabulous costumes & what you feel comfortable in! Earthdance has some costumes available to borrow for the night!

*** Please ONLY bring leather or rubber soled dedicated dance shoes or socks (no heels or shoes worn outside) 



Workshop: 3 – 5pm

Potluck: 5:30 – 6:30pm

Fusion & Improvisation October Costume Dance Party: 7 – 9:30pm



Financially Wealthy – $250

Financially Abundant – $160

Financially Stable – $100

Financially Coping – $60

Financially Strained – $40


Financially Wealthy – $240

Financially Abundant – $150

Financially Stable – $90

Financially Coping – $50

Financially Strained – $30


Financially Wealthy – $150

Financially Abundant – $90

Financially Stable – $60

Financially Coping – $30

Financially Strained – $15


$10 with towel rental


If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight in our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $30. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee (Workshop+Jam) and $8 processing (Jam).

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID after cancellation dates.

Health Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Summer Jam participants.

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Daniel Trenner, M.Ed. Dance, Northampton MA

Daniel’s first introduction to Improv and Contemporary Dance was with Bill T Jones, at the American Dance Asylum in 1975. He began his own Jazz Improv group in 1978 whilst dancing with Brenda Bufalino, and has been involved with Contact Improv since 1980, first with Steve and Nancy’s cohort on the East Coast, and then with the men of Mangrove on the West Coast.

He traveled widely in the 1980s teaching Contact, BMC, Tap, and Contemporary Dance. His travels led him to Argentina in 1987, where he taught at the State School of Contemporary Dance for the next 7 years, and began his Tango obsession, one which eventually redirected his career. 

He has become one of the prime movers in Tango’s modern revival, touring widely in North America, helping create the Tango tourism industry in Buenos Aires, and the first Tango store in the US. He is one of the founding cohort of Earthdance, senior faculty at DNE, and a co-owner of CTT. He taught Tango and Salsa at the Five Colleges for 14 years before the pandemic.

He resides in Florence, MA, where he is the owner of a co-living experimental dance house, and his in residence/ online Tango Archive.

Erica Skye Roper

Erica’s first memory is learning folk dances with their grandparents. Erica began performing folk dances at ten and began learning Argentine Tango at nineteen. Erica played at the edges of Contact improv and tango fusion for more than fifteen years before diving in and studying Contact Improv in 2019.

Erica began teaching dance around 2007 and is available to teach or co-teach Tango Fusion, ConTango Fusion, Salsa Rueda, and Taking-Back-Boundaries workshops. Erica brings a devotion to life long learning through a continuing study of dance and movement as well as the desire to strengthen and build community into the center of all of her teaching.