Being With: Axis Syllabus Weekend hosted by Kerwin Barrington and Claire Turner Reid

In this workshop we will explore Being With our bodies through dance. Our movement investigations will bring us through varied terrain of inquiry: bridging instinctive, intuitive, and intellectual ways of being with. How can we orient towards intimacy and interconnectivity for the long-game of our moving lives?

With information from the Axis Syllabus – such as principles of the Tri-Axial body, Spiral and Fractal patterns, and Dynamic Alignment – we’ll call in clear choice-making, physical readiness, and enlivened awareness.

We’ll play and engage through spontaneity, rhythm, sensitivity, heart perception, memory, imagination, mimesis, autonomy, and collective groove as ways to connect with the varied knowledge our bodies hold. There will be motifs and movement sequences, meditative scores, guided improvisations, reflection and journaling, and co-creative mapping. Join us as we delve into ways of calling forth the wisdom of the body through shared dance experiences.

What is Axis Syllabus?

The Axis Syllabus© is a collection of information pertinent to the human body in motion. This information can be applied to any context of movement. It is an effort towards empowered self-sovereignty and informed choice-making with our bodies. Begun by Frey Faust, with contributions from members of the Axis Syllabus Research Meshwork, the information is reviewed and updated based on emerging, evolving understanding and research related to the moving body.

Arrival, Onsite Check-In, Opening Circle, and Departures

  • Arrival/Check-In: Thursday, May 16th from 4-7pm front of the Farmhouse. Dinner is 6-7pm.
  • Opening Circle: Friday, May 17th at 10am. We request that ALL participants attend the Opening Circle.
  • 2 Day Drop-In Arrival/Check-In: Friday, May 17th between 8-10am. Please arrive on time for the Opening Circle.
  • Closing Circle: Monday, May 20th 12:30pm-1pm, Lunch 1-2pm.
  • Final Clean: Monday, May 20th at 2-3pm.
  • Departure: All participants will depart after the final group clean at 3pm on Monday, May 20th.

Our Fees Explained

Earthdance offers a sliding scale payment for participation in this event, please take a moment to reflect as you decide on where you best fit. 

Your level of contribution is self selected and does not need to be advocated for. However, we invite you to remember this contribution is currency and we ask that you stretch where you are able so that those who cannot stretch as far of a financial distance may also have potential access to community events. As you choose your rate please consider the following factors:

  • Your access to income and wealth, as connected to family and partnership, both currently and anticipated in the future.
  • The historical, systemic impacts of wealth accrual based on culture, race and other intersection marginalizations for you and your family.
  • The regional ease of your attendance, while some community members can drive to Earthdance, others will need to consider tuition based on their ability to travel longer distances. 
  • Earthdance is a community and rental funded organization which recently, historically and uniquely through the Covid-19 pandemic has struggled to have viable income.

Equity & Access Tickets 

Although we’re not able to offer any full scholarships, yet we’re excited to offer up to 3 E&A Discounts for this Workshop to individuals who feel part of an underrepresented and/or marginalized groupI.  We know that for those who come from marginalized populations showing up to spaces filled with primarily privileged groups can be a challenge, and can feel vulnerable.

Apply Here! Application deadline has extended to May 10th!

For those who do not identify as marginalized, we invite you to stretch in your payment to help support those who cannot stretch and create a more diverse experience for all. 

Note: While Earthdance is making efforts to better support Equity & Access at all its events, this workshop offers particularly strong support for diversity, equity, and inclusion through:

  • Reduced pricing offered to people self-identifying as being underrepresented and/or marginalized.
  • Classes and discussions that aim to bring up the level of awareness and inclusion at the workshop as a whole.

Housing Options

Gratitude Lodge at Earthdance Tickets

Includes a bed in the Gratitude Lodge, workshop offerings, and food.

The Gratitude Lodge (a.k.a. the Earthdance dorm) is the main lodging facility, connected to the Farmhouse by a short wooded trail. The lodge includes large and small rooms featuring dormitory-style bunks and beds (twin & queen size) and is included in the base event cost. Beds are available on a first come basis.

Camping Tickets

Includes a spot to camp at Earthdance, workshop offerings, and food.

Commuter Tickets

You will have access to the workshop offerings including food.

Commuter Health Care: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Jam participants.

Nine Mountain is NOT available.



Financially Wealthy – $875

Financially Abundant – $725

Financially Stable – $625

Financially Coping – $550

Financially Strained – $500


Financially Wealthy – $850

Financially Abundant – $700

Financially Stable – $600

Financially Coping – $525

Financially Strained – $475


Financially Wealthy – $825

Financially Abundant – $675

Financially Stable – $575

Financially Coping – $500

Financially Strained – $450

2 Day Drop-In – Friday, May 17th + Saturday, May 18th – Only for folks who have Axis Syllabus experience –


Financially Wealthy – $625

Financially Abundant – $500

Financially Stable – $400

Financially Coping – $325

Financially Strained – $275


Financially Wealthy – $600

Financially Abundant – $475

Financially Stable – $375

Financially Coping – $300

Financially Strained – $250


Financially Wealthy – $525

Financially Abundant – $450

Financially Stable – $350

Financially Coping – $275

Financially Strained – $225

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 14 days (May 2nd) before the event less a $75 processing fee. 

No refunds available less than 14 days (After May 2nd) from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID after the cancellation date.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Participant Community Support

Earthdance runs as a​ community, thus part of the participation is that all individuals contribute to 1-2 work shifts (typically meal cleans) throughout the event and participate in a final house clean on the last day of the event. These are great ways to connect more with your fellow participants and Earthdance staff, and to feel more at home in the Earthdance buildings & grounds. Your contributions to this collective caring of this space are invaluable!

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Kerwin Barrington

Over the past 17 years, Kerwin has facilitated dance experiences in a variety of contexts, where she encourages a main focus of exploring new ways of understanding your body in movement while “being yourself”. Certified to teach the Axis Syllabus, she has been in alliance with this Research Network (ASRM) for 10 years and is inspired by their pedagogical philosophy of learner centered learning. These days, she recently completed a Master’s degree in dance at the Université de Québec à Montréal — a deep investigation of the expression “To Learn by Heart” — looking into possible relationships between the heart and meaningful, embodied learning in a dance class.

Claire Turner Reid

Claire is a movement artist and educator who practices Dance, Qigong, and Internal Martial Arts. She is a Certified and Certifying Teacher of the Axis Syllabus. Claire currently teaches Qigong courses at the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Qigong, Taijiquan, and Falling Negotiation programs through the City of Guelph. She has a Diploma of Acupuncture from OCTCM Toronto and a BFA in Acting from the University of Windsor. She is a member of Spiritwind Internal Arts where she is a certified instructor in Qigong, Taijiquan, and Dao In Lung Shen and also practices Baguazhang and Gongfu. She is a Level 2 Certified Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong instructor.

Claire uses movement and healing practices to deepen awareness, honour the integrity of the body, and enrich inter-relational possibilities. In movement research, she invites open-inquiry and curiosity and values lineage and creativity, rigour and play, somatic sovereignty and collective collaboration. Her teaching encourages exploration of the body in motion for more connected living. She teaches online, internationally, and locally in Guelph and Toronto.

Form & Imagination: CI Training with Tal Shibi and Sarah Konner + COCO Jam

Form & Imagination: Embodied Research|Composition|CI Training – March 4th – 7th, 2024

Contact Improvisation culture and exploration began as performative research amongst dancers and creative movement artists. 50 years after its inception, CI is used as both social form, CI Jam practice, and dance research. Every practitioner of this art-sport adapts a slightly different approach and style, and yet there are common threads that recur through the form.

This training will give time to create common physical language while also allowing dancers to find personal choice making. This Spring Training and Creation Lab is an invitation for dancers and movers to explore the language and strategies of CI in the context of composition, choreography and performance. We would love for you to bring your varied dance and movement backgrounds into this shared container of making and join us in research. Together, we will train availability to follow unexpected directionality and momentum, study the modulation of weight, and through these practices use shared language to heighten communication, galvanize creativity, and fuel development of personal aesthetics.

Drawing on their distinctive backgrounds and experiences in dance making and CI, Tal and Sarah will lead workshops designed to address the following elements:

  • Gaining experience with and literacy in CI as a movement language.
  • Finding and practicing agency + bold choice making within a solo and a CI duet.
  • Practicing and building strategies for being present and responsive.
  • Messy experimentation
  • Developing scores and score-making as vehicles for creative research, dance-making, and collective creativity.
  • Building intelligence and sensitivity in the use of the hands for connection and articulation of the body as a whole.

Form & Imagination CI Training – Arrival, Onsite Check-In, Opening Circle, and Departures

  • Arrival/Check-In: Monday, March 4th from 4-7pm front of the Farmhouse. Dinner is 6-7pm.
  • Opening Circle: Monday, March 4th at 7:30-9pm. We request that EVERYONE attends the Opening Circle.
  • Closing Circle: Thursday, March 7th 12:30pm-1pm, Lunch 1-2pm.
  • Final Clean: Thursday, March 7th at 2-3pm.
  • Departure: All participants who are not joining the COCO Jam will depart after the final group clean at 3pm on Thursday, March 7th. 

Research Themes:

Poetic Cadence with Sarah

As bodies in motion, we play with and within gravity, time and space. Through a crafted use of
tension, the release of tension, and breath, we can be taken by momentum, accentuate forces
already happening moment to moment, and choose to redirect or create resistance. It is through our choice-making that we create poetry, cadence, and music– a playing with time. In this workshop we will practice joining, creating, and steering momentum in our solo bodies and with a partner. Practical physical studies of the weights of the body and sharing structures will be a base to build ease as situations become more complex. We will attune to beginnings, endings, pause, flow, all as options, to cultivate our capacity for decision making, while maintaining responsive communication. With a light and bright attention to the moment-to-moment now—we expand possibilities we are available to in order to both listen deeply to what is happening and take personal agency in ever fleeting moments.

Being Seen with Tal

This session intends to dial up the courage in the practice and pleasure of allowing ourselves to be seen in motion. It will address potential blocks that rob us of our attention, as well as give clear tools to use the practice of performance as a vehicle which enhances choice making and can be utilized as a practice to enhance presence. We will create engaging solos on the spot through uncovering strategies which create transparency and connection with our audience. This practice will enliven us and inform our movement in surprising and immediate ways.

We will use text, elements from contact improvisation, and dive deeper into the practicality of
score making to create clear and engaging solo, duet, trio and group dance sketches. Part of the work will entail sharing our dance with a context of friendly audience observation as a mode of learning and sharing.

This training is designed for CI dancers with basic comfort level and experience of CI technique. Some previous experience with giving and receiving of weight is recommended. Feel free to reach out to us with questions. Workshops will be geared to engage each participant’s abilities and growing edges. Tal and Sarah, together, will blend our ability to improvise on our own, in contact, and within a group. By the end of this week, you will all have more humor and confidence in your dance.

We guarantee it!

COCO Jam – March 7th – 10th, 2024

What is a CoCo Jam?

Community Collaborative Jams are a new and unfolding program concept at Earthdance which launched in early 2022.  This new programming thread was driven by the desire for more opportunities to dance CI and to connect with the community in smaller containers. Similar to Seasonal Jams, the CoCo jam has one or more hosts that, rather than always being professional artists with strong facilitation skills, can be dedicated Earthdance community members and upcoming dancers building their leadership skills. Support staff is also more limited compared to our seasonal jams and participants are invited into a higher degree of autonomy and self care. Similarly, the workshop offerings and schedule are also more influenced by the community members themselves and created on a more adhoc basis.  

In preparation for attending a CoCo jam, you may want to ask yourself: What are you currently researching or inspired to offer? Is there something you hope to lab, share, or play with?

***This CoCo Jam will be coming out of a 3-day spring training in compositional research and collective creation. We are excited for community offerings grounded in compositional, movement, and imaginative research. As hosts, Tal and Sarah will organize one evening of performative scores that opens into jamming, and we welcome your other ideas!  

This will be a continued study starting with the Form & Imagination Spring Training through the CoCo Jam. The research from the training will inform and inspire the weekend offerings. Those attending the whole week will benefit from the nourishment of a focused container in the first 3 days, followed by a community led container in the CoCo Jam.

Jam Details

  • An average of 40-60 people will attend this COCO jam and is open to all movement levels & backgrounds. 
  • We have a single day drop-in option on Saturday, March 9th for folks who have been to Earthdance before.
  • NEWCOMERS: If you have never been to Earthdance, we ask that you only sign up for the Full COCO Jam. This will allow us to better welcome you and orient you to Earthdance.
  • This will be a very self motivated jam with influences from the CI Training prior, bring your ideas!
  • Be ready to co-create! – We will send out a shared document for folks to fill out who would like to offer something during this co-creation weekend when you register. 

COCO Jam Arrival, Onsite Check-In, Opening Circle, and Departures.

  • Arrival/Check-In: Thursday, March 7th from 4-7pm front of the Farmhouse. Dinner is 6-7pm.
  • Opening Circle: Friday, March 8th at 10am. We encourage all NEWCOMERS to attend the Opening Circle.
  • Saturday Drop-In (Only for folks who’ve been to Earthdance before): Arrive/Check-In Saturday, March 9th between 9-10am. Breakfast is 8-9am. Departure at 10pm day of.
  • Closing Circle: Sunday, March 10th 12:30pm-1pm, Lunch 1-2pm.
  • Final Clean: Sunday, March 10th at 2-3pm.
  • Departure: All participants will depart after the final group clean at 3pm on Sunday, March 10th.

We encourage folks to attend both the CI Training AND the COCO Jam – You will receive a $50 discount!

Our Fees Explained

Earthdance offers a sliding scale payment for participation in this event, please take a moment to reflect as you decide on where you best fit. 

Your level of contribution is self selected and does not need to be advocated for. However, we invite you to remember this contribution is currency and we ask that you stretch where you are able so that those who cannot stretch as far of a financial distance may also have potential access to community events. As you choose your rate please consider the following factors:

  • Your access to income and wealth, as connected to family and partnership, both currently and anticipated in the future.
  • The historical, systemic impacts of wealth accrual based on culture, race and other intersection marginalizations for you and your family.
  • The regional ease of your attendance, while some community members can drive to Earthdance, others will need to consider tuition based on their ability to travel longer distances. 
  • Earthdance is a community and rental funded organization which recently, historically and uniquely through the Covid-19 pandemic has struggled to have viable income.

Equity & Access Tickets 

Although we’re not able to offer any full scholarships, yet we’re excited to offer up to 4 E&A Discounts for the Training + COCO Jam, 3 E&A Discounts for the Training Only and 3 E&A Discounts COCO Jam Only to individuals who feel part of an underrepresented and/or marginalized group in CI and have a relationship with CI.  We know that for those who come from marginalized populations showing up to spaces filled with primarily privileged groups can be a challenge, and can feel vulnerable.

Apply Here!

For those who do not identify as marginalized and are in a represented group of CI, we invite you to stretch in your payment to help support those who cannot stretch and create a more diverse jam experience for all. 

Note: While Earthdance is making efforts to better support Equity & Access at all its events, this jam offers particularly strong support for diversity, equity, and inclusion through:

  • Reduced pricing offered to people self-identifying as being underrepresented and/or marginalized in CI.
  • Classes and discussions that aim to bring up the level of awareness and inclusion at the jam as a whole.
  • Affinity spaces (jams, discussions, etc.) for particular groups of people to connect, share CI space together, and rest from the pressures of being in a minority status at the jam.

Housing Options

Gratitude Lodge at Earthdance Tickets

Includes a bed in the Gratitude Lodge, Jam offerings, and food during the jam.

The Gratitude Lodge (a.k.a. the Earthdance dorm) is the main lodging facility, connected to the Farmhouse by a short wooded trail. The lodge includes large and small rooms featuring dormitory-style bunks and beds (twin & queen size) and is included in the base Jam cost. Beds are available on a first come basis.

Camping Tickets

Includes a spot to camp at Earthdance, Jam offerings, and food during the jam.

Commuter Tickets

You will have access to the Jam offerings including food for the event.

Commuter Health Care: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Jam participants.

Nine Mountain is NOT available.


Training with COCO Jam (March 4 – 10) 


Financially Wealthy – $1000

Financially Abundant – $850

Financially Stable – $700

Financially Coping – $625

Financially Strained – $575


Financially Wealthy – $975

Financially Abundant – $825

Financially Stable – $675

Financially Coping – $600

Financially Strained – $550


Financially Wealthy – $950

Financially Abundant – $800

Financially Stable – $650

Financially Coping – $575

Financially Strained – $525

Training Only (March 4 – 7) 


Financially Wealthy – $700

Financially Abundant – $575

Financially Stable – $475

Financially Coping – $400

Financially Strained – $350


Financially Wealthy – $675

Financially Abundant – $550

Financially Stable – $450

Financially Coping – $375

Financially Strained – $325


Financially Wealthy – $650

Financially Abundant – $525

Financially Stable – $425

Financially Coping – $350

Financially Strained – $300

COCO Jam Only (March 7 – 10) 


Financially Wealthy – $625

Financially Abundant – $500

Financially Stable – $400

Financially Coping – $325

Financially Strained – $275


Financially Wealthy – $600

Financially Abundant – $475

Financially Stable – $375

Financially Coping – $300

Financially Strained – $250


Financially Wealthy – $575

Financially Abundant – $450

Financially Stable – $350

Financially Coping – $275

Financially Strained – $225

Saturday, March 9th DROP-IN (Only if you’ve been to Earthdance before)

Financially Wealthy – $450

Financially Abundant – $300

Financially Stable – $200

Financially Coping – $125

Financially Strained – $85

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 14 days (February 19th) before the event less a $75 processing fee. 

No refunds available less than 14 days (After February 19th) from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID after cancellation dates.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Participant Community Support

Earthdance runs as a​ community, thus part of the participation is that all individuals contribute to 1-2 work shifts (typically meal cleans) throughout the event and participate in a final house clean on the last day of the event. These are great ways to connect more with your fellow participants and Earthdance staff, and to feel more at home in the Earthdance buildings & grounds. Your contributions to this collective caring of this space are invaluable!

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Tal Shibi

Tal Shibi is a native Jerusalem choreographer, improvisor, performer, and teacher of dance, CI, and somatic awareness. He is continuously curious in exploring collaborations between different art forms, and widening the perceptions of performance and dance. He holds an MFA in Dance from Bennington College and certification  Zen Shiatsu and Watsu/Waterdance. Most recently he has been sharing his passion for life, creativity, and movement through creating improvisation workshops which emphasize tools for life such as playfulness, meditation, the courage to be seen, body awareness, breath work and more.

Sarah Konner

Sarah Konner is a dance artist, improviser and somatic movement educator researching dance as a process of evolution and collective storytelling. Sarah recently collaborated with Austin Selden, Jeanine Durning, Jenna Reigel, ChavasseDance&Performance, Sara Shelton Mann, Shura Baryshnikov, Megan Kendzior, Alex Springer and Xan Burley, Headlong Dance Theater, and setGo Performance Improvisation Ensemble. She holds an MFA in Dance from Smith College and certification in Body-Mind Centering®.

Annual Earthdance Benefit Soiree

This is a time of year for giving and receiving treats, for delighting in abundance, for appreciating the warmth of family & community.

Many of you have experienced the nurturance and growth that comes from spending time at Earthdance. This place is a wellspring for meeting some of our deepest human needs. We are so happy to be providing this space of connection, exploration, healing and creativity. And it takes all of us in the Earthdance community to keep the wellspring flowing!

You are invited to join us for a night of swanky celebration, as we gather to honor this beloved community and raise funds for its continual growth.

This benefit event is an opportunity to embody deep support for Earthdance (and to glam ourselves up a bit!). Falling in the midst of the holiday season, let’s end the year by giving this community some love! 

Our evening program will connect us deeply to our personal and collective relationships with Earthdance. With a decadent three course meal and an array of facilitated group rituals, the evening promises to leave you with both a deliciously full belly and a brimming full heart.

Shine your shoes and dress to the nines! You don’t want to miss this once a year celebration of community, charm, and loving goodwill.

May we all be healthy and happy this winter season, and bask in the riches of community together! 



Arrival: 5pm

Dinner: 6pm-7:30pm

Evening Program: 8-10pm


With this donation you will receive a 3 course meal with a tea room experience and more evening offerings!

Financially Wealthy – $500
Financially Abundant – $325
Financially Stable – $200
Financially Coping – $120
Financially Strained – $80 – Early bird pricing is still available!

There will be an option to donate any amount above $80 that you desire.


If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight in our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $30. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Akil Apollo Davis

Akil Apollo Davis is a full-time performing artist, Theatre Professor of Mask and Art Aesthetic and owner of over 200 original Masks. He is multi-disciplined: a dancer/choreographer (Hip-Hop, Balinese, Thai Classical, Butoh, African, Modern and more). Akil Rapper and avid impromptu poet- with songs on Bandcamp, co-composing his music and avid impromptu poet), Actor (bachelors from New York University), MC and award-winning Director. Akil has also worked with Monks in Thailand, Brahmins in Bali, Witches in the East Village of New York and a myriad of esoteric philosophies.He is an organizer, mentor to leaders and proud son of Rosie Phillips Davis, the 2019 President of the American Psychological Association. He works to bridge the gaps between esoteric philosophy, classical education and art. Akil believes that his karmic purpose is to increase understanding, empower, catalyze self-healing and spark the illumination of the soul. 
His personal mantra….“there must be more light” Follow him for more works of art and access to Mask work so unique that only 3 humans on the planet teach it.


Faith Rathbun

Faith is the kitchen coordinator at Earthdance and has spent that last few years honing the craft of hearth-rich cooking with a deep love and gentle fire in her heart for the comfort of nourishment. She aims to serve this tether well so we may gather in feasting in a good way and carry the glory of each of our meals into our bodies and homes and out into the world. 

Sound Bath & Bach In Your Body hosted by Charlotte Malin

Experience the gorgeous resonance of the Umbrella Barn in a profound way with musician and sound healer Charlotte Malin. First, take a luxurious restorative journey to the sounds of singing bowls, violin, viola, etheric vocals, harmonium, drums, tuning forks and more. Lie down, sit, or cuddle with a friend and receive vibrations to restore the heart and spirit. Live sound medicine profoundly assists the practitioner in reaching states of elevated consciousness and emotional release. Additional benefits include regulating the nervous system, creating harmony between body systems, aligning and clearing the energetic field, activating your creative channels, and so much more. 

Bring your own blankets/pillows/mats to be as comfy as possible, an eye mask, a water bottle, and your  journal. 

After this delicious restorative attunement, Charlotte will offer Bach In Your Body, an embodied classical music experience. After a short guided workshop on listening to classical music with the body, Charlotte will perform the music of Bach on violin and viola. During the concert, the space is open for movement, dance, meditation, journaling, and art-making (bring your own materials). Consider wearing comfortable clothes and bringing your own seat cushion and water bottle. 



Sound Bath: 3 – 5 pm

Potluck: 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Bach In Your Body: 7 – 9 pm



Financially Wealthy – $250

Financially Abundant – $150

Financially Stable – $80

Financially Coping – $55

Financially Strained – $35


Financially Wealthy – $220

Financially Abundant – $130

Financially Stable – $65

Financially Coping – $40

Financially Strained – $20


Financially Wealthy – $220

Financially Abundant – $130

Financially Stable – $65

Financially Coping – $40

Financially Strained – $20


$10 with towel rental


If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight in our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $30. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.

***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.

No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Charlotte Malin is a charismatic and versatile musician with a unique range spanning classical violin and viola, intimate and ethereal songwriting, and improvised live-lopping. Her many creative offerings sit at the intersections of classical music, holistic wellness, creative empowerment, ritual, and community-building. As an artist and facilitator, she hosts “Now/Hear” conscious & connective classical concerts, Sound Baths, multi-disciplinary Salons, workshops, creativity retreats, community open mics, and more. She performs internationally, including in a string quartet with violinist Midori, and has served as Principal Viola of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic and a member of the Hartford and Albany Symphony orchestras. She holds degrees in violin and viola from New England Conservatory and Northwestern, where her principal teachers were Kim Kashkashian and Almita Vamos. Malin currently serves as the viola instructor at Amherst College and curates a community hub for embodiment, arts, and spirituality in Florence MA called The Hidden Temple.

Summer Jam! with hosts Radmila Olshansky and Anya Smolnikova – Register Now!

Dive into full bloom at the Summer Contact Improvisation Jam at Earthdance! We will gather to share in focused movement, grounded exploration, and workshops designed to deepen your CI practice. The Summer Jam is our family jam of the year where participants are welcome to bring their children and to come as families, making this a rich multigenerational space. The children share in our living and learning spaces bringing their energy of joy, chaos, hope and playfulness.

As we prepare for this portal, we propose the following warm-up questions to tune our collective experiences: What are the pathways of connection between external and internal? Me and you? When does one and one equal something other than two? What is the alchemy of refilling one’s life force when the well feels empty? How does the quality of my focus and presence change the space? How wild can I stay in the dance while cultivating connection with the ground and with another? How can I cocreate spaces that integrate magic, connection and survival skills? Where is down? What is a spiral? How can we grow and age more wholesomely? What does it mean to pass on the torch to the new generation? What are we taking on from the originators of the form who recently became ancestors? How to stand in the mystery? How to cultivate as much joy as possible? What are the ways to open up the possibility of the body? 

We invite you to bring personal explorations and questions to share. 

Children’s Program

The children’s program at the Earthdance summer jam is a space dedicated to the kids aged 3 to 17 that comes alive from 9:15am until 1pm every day. The activities vary from day to day and are planned and facilitated in attunement with the kids’ ages and interests. You could expect water games (slip n’ slide, sprinklers, kiddie pool), arts and crafts, storytelling and role playing, adventure walks in the woods, fire camp and s’mores, pizza making, maybe a talent show and intergenerational activities. Five facilitators and one coordinator collaborate throughout the jam with the intention to hold the program in a way that is both attractive to the kids and easeful for the parents.

Summer Jam Details

  • The Summer Jam is one of the four main Earthdance seasonal jams, it often has around 100-160 participants, offers children’s programming and is open to all movement levels & backgrounds. 
  • We will have commuter, children, full and 2 half jam ticket options.
  • We are not offering a single day drop in for this jam.
  • Please take a look at what to expect at an Earthdance Seasonal Jam.
  • CHILDREN: May only attend the jam with a caregiver responsible for the child.
  • NEWCOMERS: We ask that newcomers only attend the FULL or 1st Half of the Jam (Friday-Tuesday). We will be offering classes on embodied consent and CI fundamentals.
  • NINE MOUNTAIN: You must purchase a ticket for Nine Mountain here AND then email to reserve a bed at an additional charge. 

Arrival, Onsite Check-In, Opening Circle, and Departures.

  • Arrival and Onsite Check-In: The welcoming will commence for Full and 1st Half Jam participants on Friday, June 28th from 4:00pm-7:00pm. Dinner is at 6-7pm.
  • NEWCOMERS: May ONLY register the Full or 1st Half Jam to attend the Opening Circle, attend classes on embodied consent and CI fundamentals, and to orient you to this new environment.
  • Opening Circle: Saturday, June 29th at 10am.
  • Half Jam All House Clean: Tuesday, July 2nd at 10am
  • 1st Half Jam Departure: Participants will depart on Tuesday, July 2nd by 12pm (before lunch).
  • 2nd Half Jam Check-In: Arrive to check-in on Tuesday, July 2nd between 4-7pm. Dinner is at 6-7pm
  • Full and 2nd Half Jam Departure: All participants will depart after the final group clean at 3pm on Friday, July 5th.

Our Fees Explained

Earthdance offers a sliding scale payment for participation in this event, please take a moment to reflect as you decide on where you best fit. 

Your level of contribution is self selected and does not need to be advocated for. However, we invite you to remember this contribution is currency and we ask that you stretch where you are able so that those who cannot stretch as far of a financial distance may also have potential access to community events. As you choose your rate please consider the following factors:

  • Your access to income and wealth, as connected to family and partnership, both currently and anticipated in the future.
  • The historical, systemic impacts of wealth accrual based on culture, race and other intersection marginalizations for you and your family.
  • The regional ease of your attendance, while some community members can drive to Earthdance, others will need to consider tuition based on their ability to travel longer distances. 
  • Earthdance is a community and rental funded organization which recently, historically and uniquely through the Covid-19 pandemic has struggled to have viable income.


Full Jam – Adult Tickets – Gratitude Lodge (June 28th-July 5th)

Financially Strained ($550)
Financially Coping ($600)
Financially Stable ($675)
Financially Abundant ($775)
Financially Wealthy ($900)

Camping – $25 Discount

Commuting – $50 Discount

Full Jam – Kids Tickets – Gratitude Lodge

Financially Strained ($125)
Financially Coping ($175)
Financially Stable ($250)
Financially Abundant ($350)
Financially Wealthy ($475)

Additional Kid Ticket: $75 (can be purchased after the first kid’s ticket)

Camping: $25 Discount

Commuting: $50 Discount

1st Half Jam – Adult Tickets – Gratitude Lodge (June 28 – July 2nd)

Financially Strained ($375)
Financially Coping ($425)
Financially Stable ($500)
Financially Abundant ($600)
Financially Wealthy ($725)

Camping: $25 Discount

Commuting: $50 Discount

1st Half Jam – Kid Tickets

Financially Strained ($100)
Financially Coping ($150)
Financially Stable ($225)
Financially Abundant ($325)
Financially Wealthy ($450)

Additional Kid Ticket: $50 (can be purchased after the first kid’s ticket)

No Camping or Commuting ticket prices for kid’s Half Jam Tickets

2nd Half Jam – Adult Tickets – Gratitude Lodge (July 2nd-July 5th)

Financially Strained ($350)
Financially Coping ($400)
Financially Stable ($475)
Financially Abundant ($575)
Financially Wealthy ($700)

Camping: $25 Discount

Commuting: $50 Discount

2nd Half Jam – Kid Tickets

Financially Strained ($75)
Financially Coping ($100)
Financially Stable ($175)
Financially Abundant ($275)
Financially Wealthy ($400)

Additional Kid Ticket: $50 (can be purchased after the first kid’s ticket)

No Camping or Commuting ticket prices for kid’s Half Jam Tickets

Full Jam – Nine Mountain Tickets – You must email to reserve a bed after you purchase a ticket.

$50 Discount off the Gratitude Lodge Ticket Tiers.

1st and 2nd Half Jam – Nine Mountain Tickets

$40 Discount off the Gratitude Lodge Ticket Tiers.

Equity & Access Tickets 

Although we’re not able to offer any full scholarships this year, we’re excited to offer up to 12 FULL JAM Equity & Access Discounts to individuals who feel part of an underrepresented and/or marginalized group in CI and have a relationship with CI.  We know that for those who come from marginalized populations showing up to spaces filled with primarily privileged groups can be a challenge, and can feel vulnerable.

APPLY HERE! Application deadline is June 7th.

For those who do not identify as marginalized and are in a represented group of CI, we invite you to stretch in your payment to help support those who cannot stretch and create a more diverse jam experience for all. 

Note: While Earthdance is making efforts to better support Equity & Access at all its events, this jam offers particularly strong support for diversity, equity, and inclusion through:

  • Reduced pricing offered to people self-identifying as being underrepresented and/or marginalized in CI.
  • Classes and discussions that aim to bring up the level of awareness and inclusion at the jam as a whole
  • Affinity spaces (jams, discussions, etc.) for particular groups of people to connect, share CI space together, and rest from the pressures of being in a minority status at the jam.

Housing Options

Gratitude Lodge at Earthdance Tickets

Includes a bed in the Gratitude Lodge, Jam offerings, and food during the jam.

The Gratitude Lodge (a.k.a. the Earthdance dorm) is the main lodging facility, connected to the Farmhouse by a short wooded trail. The lodge includes large and small rooms featuring dormitory-style bunks and beds (twin & queen size) and is included in the base Jam cost. Beds are available on a first come basis.

Camping Tickets

Includes a spot to camp at Earthdance, Jam offerings, and food during the jam.

Commuter Tickets

You will have access to Jam offerings including food for the event.

Commuter Health Care: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Jam participants.

Nine Mountain

Please contact to Robyn at to reserve a bed at an additional charge after registering with Earthdance.

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 14 days (June 14th) before the event less a $75 processing fee. 

No refunds available less than 14 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID after cancellation dates.

Health Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Summer Jam participants.

Participant Community Support

Earthdance runs as a​ community, thus part of the participation is that all individuals contribute to 1-2 work shifts (typically meal cleans) throughout the event and participate in a final house clean on the last day of the event. These are great ways to connect more with your fellow participants and Earthdance staff, and to feel more at home in the Earthdance buildings & grounds. Your contributions to this collective caring of this space are invaluable!

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Radmila (Rad/Rada) Olshansky

Radmila (Rad/Rada) Olshansky (b. Kiev, Ukraine) is an artist, performer and facilitator living and working in Chicago. She started her Contact Improvisational journey in NYC in 2010 and has been spiraling into and out of its questions and discoveries ever since.  Rada’s curiosities include Non-violent/Compassionate Communication, Fake Healing, Dreams, Yoga Nidra, Mindfulness and Applied Psychology which are woven into her somatic explorations. Rad studied with Nancy Stark Smith, Kathleen Hermesdorf among other dear teachers at festivals and workshops in the US and overseas. She has been teaching dance for over a decade and currently directs a high school dance program in Chicago.

Anya Smolnikova

Anya Smolnikova (b. Minsk, Belarus) is an artist and educator living and working in Vermont. Her art practice spans painting, drawing, performance, installation, dance and community actions. Anya works with movement pathways to listen for connection between external and internal experience and aims to facilitate spaces which integrate magic, joy and embodiment into individual and community learning.

Anya started studying Contact Improvisation in Boston in 2016 and has attended classes and jams across the country and internationally. Anya has been an organizer, facilitator and teacher at the Boston and Chicago CI Jams. She is a co-facilitator of the Contact Improvisation Program and Director of Operations at the Field Center, VT and is a member of the Contact Improvisation Committee at Earthdance. IG Page @anyasmolnikovastudio

Anya and Rada met at the Chicago CI Jam six years ago and bonded over their shared experience as Eastern European immigrant artists who do CI! Together they are navigating the complexities of identity/ies and moving toward healing, making, and learning in community.

Malaïka Bittar-Piekutowski – Children’s Program

Malaïka comes to Earthdance with her family since 2017. She lives in Montreal with her husband and two daughters (3 and almost 6 years old) and is a therapist. She loves connecting with fellow humans and the opportunity to coordinate the children’s program since 2019.

Spring Jam! with hosts Lilianna Kane and Anna Vomacka – SOLD OUT!

In honor of Springtime, we will return to foundations – laying fertile ground for rebirth and re-entry into committed and focused Contact Improvisation. We will let go of what no longer serves us, and metamorphosize our practices.

Jam Details

  • Attendance: An average of 70-100 people will attend this jam and is open to all movement levels & backgrounds. 
  • Jam Options: Full Jam, Post Jam Lab and Saturday Drop-In (Post Jam Lab and Drop-In Day is available only to folks who have been to Earthdance before).
  • What is a “Post Jam Lab”? After our traditional Spring Jam, and to cultivate the deepening of our shared practice, we are offering participants the opportunity to stay on for a few more days till Tuesday, April 9th for a Post-Jam Lab and Integration days. During this time participants will be able to enjoy our beautiful facilities and explore CI and other movement practices through self organized labs, workshops and jams. Food will be served as normal so you can also decide to just stay and relax giving your self time to integrate all the rich experiences from the Spring Jam itself. Those who did not attend the Spring Jam weekend are welcome to join the Post Jam Lab, however only if you have been to Earthdance before.
  • Newcomers: If you have never been to Earthdance, we ask that you only sign up for the Full Jam. This will allow us to better welcome and orient you to Earthdance.

Arrival, Onsite Check-In, Opening Circle, and Departures

  • Full Jam: Arrival/Check-In on Thursday, April 4th from 4:00pm-7:00pm front of the Farmhouse. Dinner is at 6-7pm.
  • Opening Circle: Friday, April 5th at 10am. We request that ALL Newcomers attend the Opening Circle.
  • Saturday Drop-In (Only for folks who’ve been to Earthdance before): Arrive Saturday, April 6th at 8am. Check-In from 1-2pm during lunch in front of the Farmhouse. Departure at 10pm day of.
  • Closing Circle/Final Clean: Sunday, April 7th Closing Circle at 12:30pm, Final Clean at 2-3pm.
  • Full Jam Departure: All participants who aren’t staying for the Post Jam Lab will depart after the final group clean by 3pm on Sunday, April 7th.
  • Post Jam Lab (Only for folks who attended the Spring Jam OR who’ve been to Earthdance before): Arrive/Check-In on Sunday, April 7th between 4-7pm in front of the Farmhouse. Dinner 6-7pm.
  • Post Jam Lab Final Clean/Departure: ALL house clean 2pm, Departure at 3pm on Tuesday, April 9th.

Our Fees Explained

Earthdance offers a sliding scale payment for participation in this event, please take a moment to reflect as you decide on where you best fit. 

Your level of contribution is self selected and does not need to be advocated for. However, we invite you to remember this contribution is currency and we ask that you stretch where you are able so that those who cannot stretch as far of a financial distance may also have potential access to community events. As you choose your rate please consider the following factors:

  • Your access to income and wealth, as connected to family and partnership, both currently and anticipated in the future.
  • The historical, systemic impacts of wealth accrual based on culture, race and other intersection marginalizations for you and your family.
  • The regional ease of your attendance, while some community members can drive to Earthdance, others will need to consider tuition based on their ability to travel longer distances. 
  • Earthdance is a community and rental funded organization which recently, historically and uniquely through the Covid-19 pandemic has struggled to have viable income.

Equity & Access Tickets 

Although we’re not able to offer any full scholarships this year, we’re excited to offer up to 6 FULL JAM Equity & Access Discounts to individuals who feel part of an underrepresented and/or marginalized group in CI and have a relationship with CI.  We know that for those who come from marginalized populations showing up to spaces filled with primarily privileged groups can be a challenge, and can feel vulnerable.

Application deadline is over.

For those who do not identify as marginalized and are in a represented group of CI, we invite you to stretch in your payment to help support those who cannot stretch and create a more diverse jam experience for all. 

Note: While Earthdance is making efforts to better support Equity & Access at all its events, this jam offers particularly strong support for diversity, equity, and inclusion through:

  • Reduced pricing offered to people self-identifying as being underrepresented and/or marginalized in CI.
  • Classes and discussions that aim to bring up the level of awareness and inclusion at the jam as a whole
  • Affinity spaces (jams, discussions, etc.) for particular groups of people to connect, share CI space together, and rest from the pressures of being in a minority status at the jam.

Housing Options

Gratitude Lodge at Earthdance Tickets

Includes a bed in the Gratitude Lodge, Jam offerings, and food during the jam.

The Gratitude Lodge (a.k.a. the Earthdance dorm) is the main lodging facility, connected to the Farmhouse by a short wooded trail. The lodge includes large and small rooms featuring dormitory-style bunks and beds (twin & queen size) and is included in the base Jam cost. Beds are available on a first come basis.

Camping Tickets

Includes a spot to camp at Earthdance, Jam offerings, and food during the jam.

Commuter Tickets

You will have access to the Jam offerings including food for the event.

Commuter Health Care: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Jam participants.

Nine Mountain is NOT available.


FULL JAM – April 4th – 7th


$800 – Financially Wealthy

$600 – Financially Abundant

$500 – Financially Stable

$425 – Financially Coping

$375 – Financially Strained


$775 – Financially Wealthy

$575 – Financially Abundant

$475 – Financially Stable

$400 – Financially Coping

$350 – Financially Strained


$750 – Financially Wealthy

$550 – Financially Abundant

$450 – Financially Stable

$375 – Financially Coping

$325 – Financially Strained

Post Jam Lab – April 7th – 9th (Only Available for those who attended the Full Jam or have been to Earthdance before)


$600 – Financially Wealthy

$400 – Financially Abundant

$300 – Financially Stable

$225 – Financially Coping

$175 – Financially Strained


$575 – Financially Wealthy

$375 – Financially Abundant

$275 – Financially Stable

$200 – Financially Coping

$150 – Financially Strained


$550 – Financially Wealthy

$350 – Financially Abundant

$250 – Financially Stable

$175 – Financially Coping

$125 – Financially Strained

FULL JAM + Post Jam Lab – April 4th – 9th


$925 – Financially Wealthy

$725 – Financially Abundant

$625 – Financially Stable

$550 – Financially Coping

$500 – Financially Strained


$900 – Financially Wealthy

$700 – Financially Abundant

$600 – Financially Stable

$525 – Financially Coping

$475 – Financially Strained


$825 – Financially Wealthy

$675 – Financially Abundant

$575 – Financially Stable

$500 – Financially Coping

$450 – Financially Strained

Drop-In Option – Saturday, April 6th (Only Available for those who’ve been to Earthdance before) SOLD OUT!

$525 – Financially Wealthy

$325 – Financially Abundant

$225 – Financially Stable

$150 – Financially Coping

$100 – Financially Strained

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 14 days (March 22nd) before the event less a $75 processing fee. 

No refunds available less than 14 days (After March 22nd) from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors. We do not offer refunds if you catch a cold, the flu or COVID after the cancellation date.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Participant Community Support

Earthdance runs as a​ community, thus part of the participation is that all individuals contribute to 1-2 work shifts (typically meal cleans) throughout the event and participate in a final house clean on the last day of the event. These are great ways to connect more with your fellow participants and Earthdance staff, and to feel more at home in the Earthdance buildings & grounds. Your contributions to this collective caring of this space are invaluable!

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy


Lilianna Kane and Anna Vomacka

Lilianna Kane is a dancer and chef, currently invested in Contact Improvisation and collective improvisation. She is committed to improvisation as a physical practice of asking questions and paying attention. She is curious about the disruption of normative culture through dancing and gathering. She values the interplay of rigor, rest, discipline and play. She teaches and shares her practices nationally and internationally. She is currently the head chef at The Field Center in Bellows Falls, VT, where she also has the privilege of regularly practicing, teaching, and researching Contact Improvisation. Website:

Anna Vomacka is a dance maker, performer, & educator based in NYC. She is driven by her curiosities and cravings for community, connection, and spaces of shared learning / (un)learning. As a performer Anna has worked with Brennan Gerard & Ryan Kelly in their Bessie Award winning project Timelining (2014; 2015; 2023), Nami Yamamoto (Trooper’s Brother; 2022), Mei Yamanaka, & Sondra Loring among others. As a creator Anna’s work explores collective/individual identities, edges, care, & disruption, with an emphasis on research as practice. As an educator Anna is dedicated to creating pathways for her students to deepen their practices of personal inquiry, reclaiming autonomy over one’s own body and choice making. Contact Improvisation has persisted as one of her main modalities. Anna is committed to the study and rigor of CI as a physical form, and practice of gathering people of varying identities. (site under reconstruction)

Lilianna and Anna have been collaborating in life, dance, and friendship for ten years.

Winter Work and Dance Weekend!

Winter can’t cant stop us from fixing and reinvigorating Earthdance this season. Come help us beautify the interiors and exteriors (if the weather permits) of Earthdance. Make your mark by lending a hand to strengthen this unique place we all call home and then dance together in the evenings!


If can’t help us physically for the work weekend, we do have a wishlist of things we need below. We ask that the items do not have stains or chips, they are functional, you would use them in your own home, clean and lightly used. If you have specific or questionable donations, please email

If you have a chainsaw we can use while you’re here, bring it!

  • Good Blankets
  • Good Sleeping and Decorative Pillows
  • Cushions (to sit on the floor)
  • Twin and Full Mattresses
  • Twin, full and queen sheets/pillow cases
  • Mugs (no chips, no corporate/anniversary/words, maybe a set?)
  • Soup Bowls
  • Small to medium cooking pots with matching lids
  • Any size clean area rugs
  • Nice Art
  • String lights
  • Metal Shelving

SUGGESTED DONATION – This will help pay for food that we will feed you

Thursday – Sunday: $60 – $125
Friday – Sunday: $45 – $110
Single day: $30 – $90

You are welcome to come any time between Thursday, November 30th through the afternoon of Sunday, December 3rd.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy

Relational Forces: A weekend workshop of Contact Improvisation and somatic explorations with Jonathan Brussolo

“The body is a mystery moved by tangible and intangible forces”

These forces can originate in interaction with other people, the relationship with space and also from the memory of our tissues and cells.

During these sessions, we will initiate explorations that allow us to make contact with the information received from the skin inwards. In this way, it will generate a sensitive record of the internal universes that can be decoded through the “sensations”, which in some way, could be the gateway to physicality.

Through different somatic dynamics and Contact Improvisation we will seek to sensitize our state of presence and attention in the body. This, in order to awaken a record of the different impulses which can originate from the inherent vitality of the organism, cellular memory, or the interrelationship that appears when inhabiting space and linking with other dancing bodies. These registers and connections could allow us to find a better state of presence and to see what is happening in our dance. 

We will try weight exchanges with different qualities, dancing off the axis without losing connection with our bodies and our weight, exchanges of strength in connection to the earth, and we will explore how to take advantage of the momentum to fall in multiple directions.

Is it possible to fall upwards? 

We will search how we can allow the creative power that inhabits each participant to unfold freely to improvise, play, and dance collectively. During the weekend, information from somatic disciplines, craniosacral therapy and other movement arts will be integrated.


Arrival, Onsite Check-In, Opening Circle, Departures and COVID Testing

  • Arrival and Onsite Check-In: The welcoming will commence for participants on Friday, October 27th from 1:00pm-4:00pm.
  • Friday CI Workshop: Friday, October 27th from 4-6pm, Dinner is at 6-7pm.
  • Opening Circle: Saturday, October 28th at 10am
  • Saturday, October 28th Drop-In Day: Arrive/Check-In between 8am-10am, Breakfast is at 8am-9am, Opening Circle 10am and Departure at 11pm day of.
  • Weekend Departure: All participants will depart after the final group clean at 3pm on Sunday, October 29th.
  • COVID Testing: Please make sure that you have tested for COVID on the day of arrival for weekend and drop-in days. If needed, participants may purchase tests from Earthdance for $10 each.

Our Fees Explained

Earthdance offers a sliding scale payment for participation in this event, please take a moment to reflect as you decide on where you best fit. 

Your level of contribution is self selected and does not need to be advocated for. However, we invite you to remember this contribution is currency and we ask that you stretch where you are able so that those who cannot stretch as far of a financial distance may also have potential access to community events. As you choose your rate please consider the following factors:

  • Your access to income and wealth, as connected to family and partnership, both currently and anticipated in the future.
  • The historical, systemic impacts of wealth accrual based on culture, race and other intersection marginalizations for you and your family.
  • The regional ease of your attendance, while some community members can drive to Earthdance, others will need to consider tuition based on their ability to travel longer distances. 
  • Earthdance is a community and rental funded organization which recently, historically and uniquely through the Covid-19 pandemic has struggled to have viable income.



$650 – Financially Wealthy

$500 – Financially Abundant

$400 – Financially Stable

$325 – Financially Coping

$275 – Financially Strained


$625 – Financially Wealthy

$475 – Financially Abundant

$375 – Financially Stable

$300 – Financially Coping

$250 – Financially Strained


$600 – Financially Wealthy

$450 – Financially Abundant

$325 – Financially Stable

$275 – Financially Coping

$225 – Financially Strained

Saturday, October 27th Drop-In

$500 – Financially Wealthy

$350 – Financially Abundant

$250 – Financially Stable

$180 – Financially Coping

$130 – Financially Strained

Equity & Access Tickets 

Although we’re not able to offer any full scholarships this year, we’re excited to offer up to 3 Discounted Tickets to individuals who feel part of an underrepresented and/or marginalized groups.  We know that for those who come from marginalized populations showing up to spaces filled with primarily privileged groups can be a challenge, and can feel vulnerable.

“Apply” and see more details here. Application deadline is October 20th.

For those who do not identify as marginalized and are in a represented group, we invite you to stretch in your payment to help support those who cannot stretch and create a more diverse jam experience for all. 

Note: While Earthdance is making efforts to better support Equity & Access at all its events, the event offers particularly strong support for diversity, equity, and inclusion through:

  • Reduced pricing offered to people self-identifying as being underrepresented and/or marginalized.
  • Classes and discussions that aim to bring up the level of awareness and inclusion at the event as a whole.

Housing Options

Gratitude Lodge at Earthdance Tickets

Includes a bed in the Gratitude Lodge, event offerings, and food during the jam.

The Gratitude Lodge (a.k.a. the Earthdance dorm) is the main lodging facility, connected to the Farmhouse by a short wooded trail. The lodge includes large and small rooms featuring dormitory-style bunks and beds (twin & queen size) and is included in the base event cost. Beds are available on a first come basis.

Camping Tickets

Includes a spot to camp at Earthdance, event offerings, and food during the jam.

Commuter Tickets

You will have access to the event including food.

Commuter Health Care: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other participants.

Cancellation Policy

Refund available up to 14 days (October 13th) before the event less a $75 processing fee. 

No refunds available less than 14 days from the start of the event.

Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors.

COVID Precautions

No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. However, ALL registrants are required to take an antigen test on the day of before arriving on Friday, October 27th at Earthdance. If you need a test, Earthdance will have them available to purchase for $10 each. 

Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well. 

COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other participants.

Participant Community Support

Earthdance runs as a​ community, thus part of the participation is that all individuals contribute to 1-2 work shifts (typically meal cleans) throughout the event and participate in a final house clean on the last day of the event. These are great ways to connect more with your fellow participants and Earthdance staff, and to feel more at home in the Earthdance buildings & grounds. Your contributions to this collective caring of this space are invaluable!

Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.

Earthdance’s Nudity Policy

Earthdance’s Jam Guidelines


Dancer and Teacher of Contact Improvisation. Dedicated to the transmission of the C.I since 2013. I have learned  from different somatic approaches such as: B.M.C, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique and Topf Technique. Craniosacral Therapist and teacher. Practitioner of Butoh and Kinomichi (Japanese martial art), languages that are part of his experience and that also cross the way of teaching and sharing the practice.

I was manager and co-creator of various projects and festivals in relation to Contact improvisation and somatic disciplines, to name a few; Mueves: platform for the production of festivals and workshops in relation to the practice of C.I. (Year 2013-2018 Chile). Matriz: International Contact Improvisation Festival, Chile between 2014-2017. Cuerpo inteligencia: Dance Training Program (year 2016-2019 Chile). Movere: International Dance Festival (year 2020-2022 Mexico). Mazunte Contact festival: International Contact Improvisation Festival to be held in February 2022, México. Immersion: International Contact Improvisation Festival to be held in January 2023, México.

I shared my work in festivals, universities and independent spaces in the following countries: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and the United States.