Venue for the study of The Axis Syllabus
– fundamentals, theory and inquiry
– complementary applications for the Axis Syllabus
– more athletic challenge
– high-power training / fundamentals / creative expression
The NC is an itinerant school for the principle study and application of the Axis Syllabus. Rather than a festival, or celebration, The NC is what it’s title suggests, an intensive study context. The study of the AS is meant to empower the individual to defend and promote their own health and the health of those they might be responsible for, in other words to sponsor responsible autonomy.
Check out the Teachers

Conscientiousness towards commitments, self organization and voluntary participation. As below, so above.
As organizers, we seek to adapt and integrate the NC into the local conditions we find at the venue. The living and working conditions we search for are as low cost as possible, to permit as many people as possible to participate for as long as possible. These options usually entail communal living, which offers an opportunity to practice practical coordination/collaboration, mutual respect and the mature maintenance of hygiene. Participants arrive with the awareness that they are expected to take initiative to alter their circumstances if unsatisfactory, to conserve their health and strength for the intensive demands of the study of the Axis Syllabus and adapt to the challenges inherent in sharing spaces and resources. If people have the means, they are always welcome to organize living spaces for themselves.
At the NC, we organize a few pre-scheduled extra curricular events. Our idea is to leave time open for spontaneous initiatives. Alternative meetings, conferences, jams or performances can be organized on a consent basis with/among the participants during the NC.
The participants registration is considered a binding contract, which should only be altered or broken in case of serious illness or acts of God. Once the registration has been confirmed, the participant may not change class or request reimbursement if they change their minds on impulse later.
Participants who go through the process to confirm their registration, but do not keep their commitments later, will be asked to pay all chosen class fees the following year or risk being banned from future editions of NC.
True to our ethic of sponsoring responsible community behavior, as well as maintaining the NC prices low, all participants will be expected to participate in general clean up and maintenance of the common areas. We generally choose our team members from participants who are the most helpful and responsible.
Class time (and possibly meals) are the ONLY organized obligatory time, giving the participant full license to organize social moments, offer each other their healing expertise or practical counsel, hang out or exchange with whomever they choose.
The 3 to 4 week curricular arc of the NC usually starts with details and micro moments in the first week, gradually becoming longer and more demanding motifs and phrases through the second and third, ending with a renewed look at detail, and a creative laboratory meant to give time and space for the guided development of a personal practice or performative ideas.
Course Dates & Prices:
Week I- October 2nd- 7th
Week II- October 9th- 14th
Morning Warm Up – Monday through Saturday, 1 hour / day – $60/week
Regular Workshop – Monday through Saturday, 2 hours / day – $140/week
Evening warm down – Monday through Saturday, 1 hour / day – $60/week
Mentoring Space Access – Monday through Saturday, 1.5 hour / day (free for those who take at least two 12 hr workshops per week ) – $114/week
Room & Board Prices:
Dorm: $100/day
Camping: $85/day
Commuting: $70/day ($75/day with water/electric hookups for trailers)