This month’s From The Loft features our brilliant and courageous programming manager, Melanie Christine, who recently made the transition of letting go of her foothold in Brooklyn, making Earthdance her full-time home: Whoa! It’s a bit surreal to say that I have moved to Earthdance.
The first time I visited Earthdance in 2017, and every time I visited after, I always felt like I disappeared into a mysterious dancing portal that lovingly pushed my edges. Earthdance cradled me as I was learning how to use my body in new and unpredictable ways. I was first brought here through a partner at the time who couldn’t stop talking about it and all that it offered. I understood why: the unique magic of the Berkshires and the Earthdance culture swallowed me whole for multiple blips of time. Initially, I didn’t fully understand where I was geographically, because of how MAGICAL it was for me. “Oh, it’s somewhere in this forest north of the city in Western Mass,” I’d say. I had no idea that I would ever work - let alone live - in this place that holds and creates so much beauty. Before Earthdance, I dwelled in other portals of whirlwind experiences in Brooklyn, NY for eleven years. One of the biggest, most progressive cities in the world, with art making everywhere on all scales and in all forms. Working for galleries and artists helped me develop a keen awareness for the need of clarity and organization within creative flow, supporting artists in their craft and letting the public know how special art is. In that time, I also helped build, learned from, and thrived in an intentional community made up of roughly 20 people. Living in community is my bread and butter. I have visited many in and out of the US, which has fed my ongoing curiosity about the way, the why, and the how we live can be better together. Despite these portals being incredibly challenging at times, they were also spectacular. They have guided me over the years to help me step into my position as the Programming Coordinator for Earthdance. These two very different places have shaped my life in unfathomable ways. It’s been, dare I say, courageous, and a much needed change to allow myself to slow down and call Earthdance my home. Though I have said goodbye to my Brooklyn home, it is not lost, as I am continuously welcomed back, just as I had felt visiting Earthdance for so many years. My mind is blown and my heart full of gratitude by how welcomed I’ve been by so many people who love and cherish this place. I hope to live up to the challenge, with the help of my colleagues and community, to aid in making Earthdance thrive. - Melanie Christine Image One: Youtopia, Brooklyn (photo by Francesca Magnani) Image Two: Front entrance at Earthdance |