For various reasons, from large event COVID concerns, to the complexity of hosting a full jam, family-friendly event at this particular time and circumstances, the event is pivoting from a Summer Jam to a limited capacity Lab & Workshop space August 5-8th. We acknowledge that you may be someone that was excited by and planning for this Summer Jam for you and your beloveds. We apologize for any distress and changes in your August plans this causes you. As an organization, this felt like not only a sustainable decision, but also a responsible one. For all you excited labbers and families, we truly hope that we will be able to host a Fall or Winter Jam. Earthdance is ready for and able to support a small group of lab participants who are interested in being in movement together, as well as dialogue and development of CI and the conversations that revolve around it such as: Consent & Boundaries, Equity & Access, Jam Guidelines, and Accountability Processes. This past year has highlighted the importance of the continual inquiry into these crucial topics as an organization and a CI culture. Earthdance wants to continue to develop individual, community, and organizational capacity and skills in hosting safer spaces. If this is interesting to you, this lab is perhaps a great opportunity for you! This lab is an opportunity to take a breath, to reflect on what we’ve learned, to walk in the woods and move in the studio, and continue to learn together. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE REGISTERING